var tvget890_all; var tvget890_elem; var tvget890_track; var tvget890_thumb; var tvget890_height; var tvget890_cntHeight; var tvget890_trcHeight; var tvget890_mean = 50; var tvget890_current = 0; var tvget890_jump_pattern=""; function tvget_jump2schedule(channel_id) { document.getElementById('tvnow890_jump_link').href = tvget890_jump_pattern.replace(new RegExp("%CHANNEL_ID%", 'g'), channel_id); document.getElementById('tvnow890_jump_link').click(); return false; } var tvget890_doScroll = function (e) { var elem = document.getElementById('tvget890_scroll_area'); // cross-browser wheel delta e = window.event || e; var delta = Math.max(-1, Math.min(1, (e.wheelDelta || -e.detail))); var scrolltop = elem.scrollTop; // scrollTop property takes positive values when you scroll down and our delta variable behaves otherwise, so the equation will be: elem.scrollTop = scrolltop - delta * tvget890_mean; // set top position for the scrollbar thumb = (elem.scrollTop/tvget890_cntHeight * tvget890_trcHeight) + 'px'; e.preventDefault(); }; function tvget890_init_scroll() { tvget890_all = document.getElementById('tvget890_now_block'); tvget890_elem = document.getElementById('tvget890_scroll_area'); tvget890_track = document.getElementById('tvget890_scrollbar_track'); tvget890_thumb = document.getElementById('tvget890_scrollbar_thumb'); tvget890_height = parseInt(tvget890_elem.offsetHeight, 10); tvget890_cntHeight = parseInt(tvget890_elem.children[0].clientHeight, 10); tvget890_trcHeight = parseInt(tvget890_track.offsetHeight, 10); = Math.round(tvget890_height/tvget890_cntHeight * tvget890_trcHeight) + 'px'; if (tvget890_elem.addEventListener) { tvget890_elem.addEventListener("mousewheel", tvget890_doScroll, false); tvget890_elem.addEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", tvget890_doScroll, false); } else { tvget890_elem.attachEvent("onmousewheel", tvget890_doScroll); } } function tvget_now_expand_desc(prid) { var el = document.getElementById(prid); if ( == 'none' || == '') = 'block'; else = 'none'; } function tvget890_makeHttpRequest(url, callback_function, return_xml) { var http_request = false; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { http_request = new XMLHttpRequest(); if (http_request.overrideMimeType) { http_request.overrideMimeType('text/html'); } } else if (window.ActiveXObject) { try { http_request = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { try { http_request = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) {} } } if (!http_request) { alert("Unfortunatelly you browser doesn't support this feature."); return false; } http_request.onreadystatechange = function() { if (http_request.readyState == 4) { if (http_request.status == 200) { var regex = /([^<]*)<\/content>/gi; match = http_request.responseText.match(regex); var body = match[0].replace("", "").replace('<\/content>', ""); document.getElementById('tvget890_now_block_content').innerHTML = tvget_start_Base64.decode(body); tvget890_init_scroll(); } else { alert('There was a problem with the request.(Code: ' + http_request.status + ')'); } } };'GET', url, true); http_request.send(null); } function tvget890_loadedWait() { if (typeof(tvget890_loaded) === "function") { tvget890_loaded(); } else setTimeout(tvget890_loadedWait(), 100); } function tvget890_loadBanner(xml) { var html_content = xml.getElementsByTagName('content').item(0).firstChild.nodeValue; var reload_after = xml.getElementsByTagName('reload').item(0).firstChild.nodeValue; document.getElementById('tvget890_now_block_content').innerHTML = html_content; tvget890_loadedWait(); try { clearTimeout(to); } catch (e) {} } function tvget890_loaded() { tvget890_fleXenv.fleXcrollInit(); } function tvget890_nextAd() { var now = new Date(); var el = document.getElementById("tvget890_now_block"); el.innerHTML = "" + "" + "
" + "
    "+ "
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